In regard to coupons and promotions, we have an advanced system for pulling coupons, deals, sales, and other promotions from the networks we work with. Our team of experienced data engineers review the offers, standardize the labels, checks each offer to make sure it is valid, tests the links and landing pages and makes corrections when necessary. They also categorize the offers and assign deal types. Our system ranks each offer based on discount amount, scope of the offer, and consumer appeal. This ranking system was developed by a team of experts who have a combined total of 30+ years of experience in the affiliate marketing space. Our ranking system can be used to ensure the best offers are featured at the top of your merchant pages. In addition to cleaning up and aggregating offers provided by merchants, we frequently build deep links to categories such as best sellers, new arrivals, clearance sections, and other areas consumers are interested in. We let you know if the store has a free or discounted shipping policy. We also have automated scrapers that pull deals off store pages and build affiliate links for them. This is especially handy for stores that don’t send out many affiliate promotions. In regard to merchant data, we collect and provide homepage affiliate URLs, direct link homepage URLs, and logos. We assign a primary category and subcategories, we note the countries the merchant ships to, if they accept special payments such as Paypal, Google Wallet, Amazon Payments, Bill Me Later, WuPay and, and if their affiliate tracking works on mobile devices. Our Merchant Sync tool monitors which programs you are approved for and can automatically include them in your feed if you are approved and exclude them from your feed if they go offline or your relationship is terminated. If you want to receive content for programs you have not joined, you can monetize this content using FreshReach® sub-affiliate links. This type of manual and automated content and data curation and verification takes our team over 1,000 of hours every week. The information we have on merchants is the result of years of data collection. There is simply no way an individual could clean up, process, and collect all of the content and data that we deliver. The tools and features we provide with all subscriptions frees up your time to do what you do best – marketing your website and driving sales!